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Tropical Limnology


Trop Water Pty Ltd is specialized in the fields of tropical limnology and related seasonal water quality issues. The company’s staff members have undertaken limnological studies on nearly all of Australia’s large tropical lakes and reservoirs and a majority of Australia’s large water-filled mining voids. These include extensive studies on:

  • Lakes Julius and Moondarra; the two water supply reservoirs supplying the mining city of Mount Isa in Queensland.

  • Darwin River Dam and Manton Dam; water supply reservoirs supplying Darwin the capital city of the Northern Territory.

  • Lake Argyle; Australia’s largest freshwater lake/reservoir in northern West Australia used mainly for agricultural irrigation purposes and water supply to the town of Kununurra, the regional center of the Kimberly.

  • Lake Wood; the largest natural lake in the Northern Territory and an extremely important environmental feature of Australia’s arid zone.

Additionally, Trop Water staff members have had carriage of, or significant involvement in, high level water quality projects on most of the large rivers in the Northern Territory including the Daly, Roper, Katherine, Flora, Margaret, Darwin, Finnis, King, Blackmore, Elizabeth, Howard, Adelaide, Mary, South Alligator, Victoria, Charlotte, Todd, Charles Rivers and a large number of smaller wetlands, rivers and creeks.

In all the above, we have extended our knowledge to provide expert water quality advice to a wide range of stake holders. These include water supply managers and operators, regulatory agencies, a range of West Australian, Queensland, Northern Territory and Commonwealth Departments, agricultural and industrial users, and riparian interests.

The Principal Scientist of the company, Dr. Kevin Boland is a nationally and internationally recognized authority in tropical limnology and water quality. He has specialist expertise in environmental hydraulic modelling, predictive water quality modelling and seasonal water quality fluxes in tropical lakes, reservoirs, water filled mining voids, wetlands, and marine waters.

The scientific consultancy service provided by Trop Water Pty Ltd is facilitated through a team of qualified professionals encompassing Applied Science, Geology, Hydrogeology, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Industrial Chemistry, Geochemistry, Biochemistry, Marine Biology, Fisheries, Aquaculture and Civil Engineering.

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